Finsterland (engl.) Steampunk-Roleplaying Game
The continent portrayed in this book has a rich and enigmatic history, featuring dense forests, ancient cities, and towering mountains. This world is constantly threatened by sinister creatures of metal and flame, conspiracies, magic, and long-forgotten terrors.New inventions, whose consequences remain unknown, spread quickly throughout the land. Brave and deceitful charlatans come up with alluring ideas to attract the masses.
The old ways and customs have been abandoned, and new heroes are eager to take risks and leave their mark on the world.Armed with courage, magic, knowledge, determination, and charm, these heroes embark on their quests. They strive to bring hope to the people, fend off horrors, and pave the way for a new era.Finsterland is a role-playing game designed for at least three players, aged 16 and above. This book contains all the rules and background information needed to start playing immediately.
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